First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confessions

Friday, September 6th, 2024
5:00 pm

On Friday, September 6th, from 5:00pm to Midnight will be held First Friday Adoration

(Confessions will be heard: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.).

~ followed by ~

Nicodemus Mass

Saturday, September 7th, 2024
12:01 am

Nicodemus Mass will be celebrated beginning at
00:01 on Saturday, September 7th.

Coffee Sunday

Will resume after the summer months.

Men’s Rosary

Every second Wednesday

At 6:30 PM

The Men’s Rosary will resume in September. Everyone is welcome.

CURRENT Invitation to families

An invitation is going out to all the Families whose Children received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion in 2023
for an anniversary Mass on Sunday, May 19th at 11:00 am, celebrating the 1st year anniversary.

Our Kiosk
Catholic Reading and CD’s / DVD’s

There is now some new material available for sale in the Kiosk.
It’s located in the hallway near the elevator just outside of the library.

Confirmation – Saint Posters

Our Confirmation Children made posters of their Patron Saints.
Thanks to their parents and the teachers for all their hard work and dedication helping them.


If you are bringing Communion to the sick, whether family members or others, please come to a meeting with Fr. Robert
on Wednesday, March 20th, at 5:30 pm.

Resurrection of our Lord Children’s Choir

 You are invited to sing in the Children’s Choir at the 11:00 am Mass.
Practices begin on Friday, September 8th at 6:30 pm.
Come in by the back door. There will always be an open door with meet and greet.
On Sunday mornings, everyone meets at 10:30 am in Room C, before Mass begins at 11:00 am.
For questions, contact Sylvia Picciano, at:

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is our parish’s unique way of reaching out to bring support and comfort to individuals with a gift of a prayer shawl.
What is a Prayer Shawl? A Prayer Shawl is either knitted or crocheted following simple instructions by one of the ladies in our ministry group with prayers for the needs of the potential recipient. When completed each shawl is blessed by Deacon Yves Trottier. In essence, each shawl represents the caring and support of our parish and symbolizes a hug from God.
Who can receive a prayer shawl? Simply put, it is anyone including men, women, children, young and old in your family, your friends or your community, regardless of faith, who is experiencing a serious illness, loss of a loved one or an emotional upheaval. A shawl can also be given for happier occasions such as the birth of a child, a celebration or appreciation.
Would you like to request a shawl? Requests for shawls can be made through the parish office or by contacting Roberta (613-523-0538). You can arrange to pick one up from the office or have it delivered. regardless of faith
To date our parish has gifted more than 150 shawls to individuals locally, across Canada and as far away as Poland the Philippines and beyond. Those who have received a shawl have commented on the impact of the shawl and its meaning to them and their family in terms of comfort, warmth and peace.
Would you like to help? To continue the work of the Prayer Shawl Ministry we are seeking new members. If you knit or crochet and would like to share your talent, please contact the parish office or Roberta. Shawl patterns and yarn are available. You can also contribute through donations of yarn or money by going through the parish office. Thank you for your consideration.

Five Reasons Why Our
Confirmation Candidates Want to be Confirmed

Have a quick look at the Sacraments page to read five reasons why Confirmation candidates at Resurrection of Our Lord Parish want to be confirmed.

Society of the Divine Saviour (SDS) – Salvatorian Fathers – Letter

All parishoners are asked to read the following letter from the Salvatorian Fathers, the Order to which Father Robert belongs.

Academia Stella Maris

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