Resurrection of Our Lord Catholic Parish

A dynamic Catholic community called by the Risen Lord to share God’s love through worship, service, and solidarity.



We are located at

1940 Saunderson Drive, K1G 2C9


Father Robert Masternak, SDS



Mass Times

Lord’s Day Masses

Saturday – 5:00 pm

Sunday – 9:00 am & 11:00 am

Weekday Masses

Tuesday to Friday – 8:00 am


Special Masses

Thanksgiving Monday Mass
Monday, October 14th, 2024
9:00 am



Confessions & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Every Friday – 8:30 am to 9:30 am

Every First Friday of the month – 5:00 pm to Midnight
(Confessions – 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm)

Every Saturday – Confessions – 4:00 pm to 4:30 pm

Please see the News section for any additional Adoration or Confessions times.




Blessing of the Animals
Dedicated to St. Francis of Assisi

On Saturday the 5th of October 3:30 PM, In the Church Parking Lot. Bring your Pets !

Parish Charity Work for People in Need in Ukraine

July 7, 2024

Dear Parishioners,

I would like to present to you a letter that was received from a priest of our Salvatorian Order, Fr. Damian Pankowiak, SDS, who is working in Ukraine.

Fr. Damian, as well as other Salvatorian priests, chose not to leave Ukraine when the war began but to remain with the people. Because of this, they have gained much respect since many of their own people fled.

We as Salvatorians in all parts of the world (including the members of our Salvatorian parishes and communities) provide help and support to each other where it is most needed in different places around the world. The help that the Salvatorians give goes from their hands directly into the hands of the people in need.

For me, close to my heart are two communities: first, is Manilla (the project was supported by our Australian region) which I will talk to you about later, and then the Salvatorian communities in Ukraine and Belarus.

Once more, I would like to express my thankfulness for your support of the Salvatorians generally, as well as projects like Ukraine as you did last year.

Fr. Robert, SDS

P.S. You will see photos below with their captions. We also have many more photos from Fr. Damian, and you can see them on our Salvatorian bulletin board in the parish.


Letter from Fr. Damian Pankowiak, SDS

Dear Benefactors from Salvatorian parishes in Canada,

Dear Brothers and Sisters. Greetings to you from war-torn Ukraine. I would like to express not only my own gratitude, but also that of my parishioners and friends, for your prayers and financial support. This full-scale war has been ongoing for the past two and a half years. This is a very difficult time for Ukraine and its people. Thousands of people have fled their family homes and towns, relocating or emigrating to safe places around the world. The majority however, have stayed behind and are trying to live as normally as possible during this unjust war. Unfortunately, this is not always possible.

Daily missile strikes destroy not only the energy infrastructure, but also hospitals, kindergartens, schools, places of recreation, residence and work. These strikes claim the lives of innocent civilians. Not to mention the soldiers. Pastoral work during the war goes on as usual. When there are no anti air-raids, Masses and other Church services are celebrated as scheduled. We meet with children, teenagers and adults.

Since the beginning of this war, as Salvatorians, we were involved in supplying humanitarian aid to refugees, those most in need, and families whose fathers, brothers or sons went off to war. This is aid directed to a specific place, for specific people. Thanks to your donations we have been able to supply the following aid:

• Cars for humanitarian work
• Cars for evacuating people from endangered places
• Full-scale Medical aid
• Food products
• Chemical products
• Clothing
• Power generators

And much, much more.

Thank you once again for your invaluable help!

Glory to Ukraine, God bless Canada!

Yours in Christ,
Fr. Damian Pankowiak, SDS


Click/Swipe through picture gallery above.


Prayer through the intercession of Blessed Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan:

God our Father, you called
Father Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan to be
your apostle, to make you known and loved
by all people everywhere, using all the ways
and means your love inspires.
You filled him with universal apostolic zeal,
with the goodness and the kindness of
the Divine Saviour, with a deep trust in
God’s loving providence, with a profound
spirit of prayer, with a sincere devotion to
Mary, Mother of the Saviour, and with the
courage to follow you, even into the
mystery of the Cross.
Grant us, by his intercession, and according
to your will, the graces we ask you ……………,
hoping that he will soon be numbered
among your saints.
We make this prayer through Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.


If you have children 11 years of age or older who have not as yet received their First Holy Communion and you would like an opportunity for them to be prepared to do so, please contact the parish office.


Please see the News page for additional information on what is happening at Resurrection of Our Lord Parish, or browse the latest bulletin on the Bulletins page.